A Moment of Necessity
by Barbara Ann Fackler

hints on finding levers quickly

Adapting a trick I learned from Mary Radspinner, who used pencil-top-eraser to mark a lever for a concert in our studio, I needed to find a couple of levers quickly for an upcoming gig and did this:

I didn't have any pencil-top-erasers, but I did have some post-it-flags. Not wanting something really bright, as for me, that makes unmarked levers harder to find, I was looking for a subtle option. I used the clear end of the post-it-flag, on the lever. They stayed up beautifully, even throught putting the cover on and moving the harp. I added a couple of extras, stuck to the neck, just in case I needed a replacement.

The moment of necessity often brings an easy solution!

The Lever Marking Tutorial by Barbara Ann Fackler are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.