music for harp, one hand

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Harp One Hand

Ron Price, founder of Healing Harps (Illinois) brought to my attention the occasional need for music that could be played with one hand. The beautiful thing about harp, is that this music is equally suited to either left or right hand, as one's need prescribes.

All of these, with a little adaptation (for overlapping notes) can be played hands together or split between two hands, which is how Ron used these at times for those recovering from traumatic brain injury.

The skill levels required are varied.

Notated in treble clef.

Hymns for Harp One Hand

downloads below:

Be Thou My Vision, Celtic hymn, key of C (very similar to this version for two hands)
Fairest Lord Jesus, Silesian hymn, key of G (very similar to this version for two hands)
Ode to Joy, Beethoven, key of C (variations, the easiest in the set, similar to the beginner's version)
St. Columba, Irish hymn, key of C (6ths, some reaches of a 10th (which can be altered), sliding thumb)

Pretty Little Pieces for Harp One Hand

please email

All the Pretty Little Horses, American lullaby (similar to this version for two hands)
Boismortier, Sarabande
Carcassi, Song
Faronell's Ground
Kuffner, Sonatina Op. 80
Pavane Espagne, anonymous (similar to this version for two hands)
Sor, Andante

Short Irish Tunes for Harp One Hand ~ our gift to you (click each image to download the PDF)

Maid in the Moon (All in a Garden Green), Irish
Rakes of Mallow, Irish