seven pieces for pedal or lever harp, beginning intermediate
with flexible titles: Prelude, Postlude or Meditation
by Barbara Ann Fackler
It's nice to have the right music for the moment, hence the flexible titles. As long as the appropriate number is included, titles used may be: Prelude, Postlude, Meditation, Interlude or simply Odd-Lude.
There are seven Odd-Ludes in this collection, each with an odd number attached. There are no pieces missing from this collection; the omission of even numbers was deliberate. If they are performed as a set, it is preferable that the collective name (Odd-Ludes) be used along with the individual titles. This sheet music collection is laid out with no page turns during pieces.
22 strings, C-c: Nr. 1, Nr. 5, Nr. 9, Nr. 11
26 strings, C-g Nr. 3
listen to Nr. 3 (real harp performance, mp3)
listen to Nr. 9: (midi generated mp3)
immediate download: teaching notes (PDF)